Before use, it is recommended to assess the effectiveness of preservation and the compatibility of the biocide with the protectable product.
Neomid 132
Purpose: Protection of pickled skin, chrome semi-finished products, wet white, bark-tanned semi-finished product, crust, finished leather, and fur against molding and rotting during transportation and storage.
Composition: Complex of isothiazolinone derivatives.
- No heavy metals, diphenyl-derivatives, phenolic and chloride compounds.
- It has good penetrating properties, and therefore has an excellent fungicidal effect.
- Stable in a wide pH range.
- Effective at low operating concentrations.
Neomid 136 grade A
Purpose: Protection of pickled skin, chrome semi-finished products, wet white, bark-tanned semi-finished product, crust, and finished leather.
Specifically designed to avoid microbiological growth, causing serious damage during the tanning process, such as hair slipping, collagen degradation, painting, etc.
Composition: Complex of 2- (Thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole derivatives.
- Stable in acidic and slightly alkaline medium, in connection with which it can be used at all stages of currying.
- It has good penetrating properties, which is why it is extremely effective.
- No heavy metals, diphenyl-derivatives, phenolic and chloride compounds.
- The most effective at pH <8.0.
- Can be used in any of the various stages of leather working, such as soaking, pickling, tanning, and retanning.
Neomid 50 SK
Purpose: Short-term preservation of hot raw materials in the soaking process.
Composition: Complex of aqueous solutions salts of dithiocarbamic acids.
- Compatible with all alkaline products used in the processes of soaking and liming.
- Easily dissolved in cold water, which makes the product easy to use.
- It is based on organic compounds.
- Effective in the pH range of 6-10.
- Quickly absorbed in the surface of raw materials, evenly over the entire area of the fell.
- It has an excellent antibacterial effect, and therefore long-term storage is provided.
- Protects the fell against bacterial decomposition, prevents loss of hair.
- When preserving hot raw materials and their further storage does not cause changes in the structure of fells.